Who Is GMS and What is JAI Parent Coaching

Who is Grandma Shark, MD and how can she help you navigate parenting? What is the JAI Conscious Parenting? Why should I take the course?

You are already a great parent because you are here and seeking help, information and sound advice on how to parent your child. Perhaps you’re a new parent and just realized that babies don’t come with an owner’s manual. You have many questions and maybe some anxieties about parenting.

Take a breath, relax, I’m here to help. But not in a paternalistic, “my way or the highway style.” I’m just here as the navigator, and you are the captain of your ship. I’m the Google Maps without the advertisement.

My name is Julia LaJoie, MD. I’m a Certified JAI Conscious Parenting Coach. I’m a Pediatric Physician with over 30 years of experience, and my specialty is caring for childhood trauma in all its forms. I know how important (and hard) it is to prevent major trauma in childhood. But sometimes even minor trauma is internalized and affects a child’s development. Therefore, teaching resilience and adaptability even at an early age will give your child the self-confidence and a reliable inner compass to rely upon.

Because I am a Pediatrician I am also grounded in the science of Child Development, Child Psychology and the latest findings in Neurodevelopment. I not only studied these during my Pediatric Residency but I have renewed my knowledge and deepened my understanding with further study and training during the Pandemic lockdown when my usual services became obsolete. And by the way, I am a big sailing cruiser with my husband so all this nautical talk will be used as metaphors in my teaching. If you work with me you’ll have the added bonus of learning how to ride out a storm or navigate a waterway.

More than just setting the chart in front of you I’m here to teach you how to read it and trust your intuitive skills as a parent. Because trust me,those skills are present, and they are evolving as we humans all evolve into higher consciousness beings. So it makes sense that parenting has evolved because we are evolving. My kids were/are smarter, better communicators, more empathetic and more creative than me, and my grandkids look like they will be taking it up a notch too. And it isn’t just my family; I see this in my patients all the time. It is one of the biggest joys of being a pediatrician and a parenting coach to help parents discover this as well.

What is JAI Conscious Parenting? The course is a 10 weeks of video instruction and guided study with weekly, one-hour Zoom meetings with me and other parents to discuss the week’s topic and answer any questions or insights you have about the material. I will try to have classes of parents who have children of similar ages so that you can learn from each other’s questions and insights.

JAI Conscious Parenting strives to teach you a better way to discovering your unique child and parent with compassion for both your child and YOU. That’s right, it teaches you that your needs as a parent are just as important as the needs of your child. JAI parent coaching will help you to recognize your unconscious limiting beliefs about parenting and how you can change the narrative for successful communication, bonding and support of your child’s unique needs. It will make parenting easier and more peaceful. It won’t make you the “perfect parent” because as I said, you already are the perfect parent for your child.That’s why they chose you.

So why should you take the course? I’m pretty confident that you spent time and money preparing for your child’s birth. Perhaps you bought the best baby monitor, stroller or crib money could buy. Isn’t it worth more than these material things to spend the time and money to create a peaceful parenting journey for you and your child? There will be challenges in the parenting journey; will you be prepared? So let me help you build a foundation (or as we cruisers like to say, be fully provisioned and study your route) that you can rely upon as you discover, nurture, and guide your precious unique child in a peaceful, sustainable and compassionate way.

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Julia Ann LaJoie, M.D.