
JAI Conscious Parenting Coaching: What is “Conscious Parenting”?

Conscious Parenting is a philosophy or psychology developed from observing effective parenting styles that allow for healthy bonding, balanced emotional development and compassionate parenting. “Conscious Parenting” is based on the latest thinking in human neurodevelopment and takes the whole family into consideration.

JAI Conscious Parenting strives to teach you a better way to discover your unique child and parent with compassion for the needs of both your child and YOU. That’s right, it teaches you that your needs as a parent are just as important as the needs of your child. JAI parent coaching will help you to recognize your unconscious limiting beliefs about parenting and how you can change the narrative for successful communication, bonding and support of your child’s unique needs. It will make parenting easier and more peaceful.

You are your child’s best parent. We help you to navigate the journey of parenthood and avoid the pitfalls and the patterns that may be unconsciously ingrained in you from your own parents. Whether or not your parents were the best parents in the Universe, you still may harbor unconscious negative beliefs that will eventually affect your parenting style in a way you would not choose.

Conscious parenting is NOT: Permissive Parenting, Helicopter Parenting, Detached Parenting, Enmeshed Parenting and does not mean not disciplining your child. THE WORD DISCIPLINE DOES NOT MEAN TO PUNISH, IT MEANS TO TEACH.

Conscious Parenting will give you the confidence to parent without guilt or anxiety and will encourage you to not only love your child (which we know is a given or you wouldn’t be here) but to also know and LOVE yourself. It is from this alignment with self-love that you can be the best parent for your child.

Grandma Shark MD

Grandma Shark MD is consultations via Zoom, both in a group setting or individually, if you elect that option. Although I cannot be your Pediatrician, I can help you navigate to a solution for a health problem in your child.

There is so much misinformation out there and much of it is motivated by profit. I will help you with evidence-based information to find the answer to your child's health care needs.

Did you ever watch the show "House, MD"? I'm like the Pediatrician version of Dr. House, and many parents have told me so as well as nurses and colleagues I've worked with. That's because I listen to my patients and don't jump to a quick conclusion.

I am also humble enough to know when I don't know, and I will spend the time researching a topic until I have a plan to answer to your unique health problem. Unfortunately, in today's health care system, many Primary Physicians are not given the time or resources to do this because they are working for a managed care organization that insists they see many patients per hour.

“…being able to act intelligently and instinctively in the moment is possible only after a long and rigorous course of education and experience.
― Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking


Open to 12 Parents Only!
10-week overview course of the JAI Parenting philosophy and methods. Click (here) to reserve a spot. Includes 30-minute private intake call with Dr. LaJoie.
We welcome a mixed group of new parents, grandparents and caregivers for this introductory session.

MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP $22.00 per/month; $240 per year.

Monthly Grandma Shark MD membership offers scheduled on-call JAI Parenting-support and access to all site information. Choose month-by-month or full year with discount. Click (here) to register.